Welcome to

Nimbus Öckerö


Nimbus Öckerö you will find in the Gothenburg archipelago 40 minutes from Gothenburg.

We at Nimbus Öckerö Have Lunch, Café, accommodation, Sauna, and spaces for Conferences with a fantastic proximity to the sea in the Gothenburg archipelago.

A warm welcome to us!

Nimbus Öckerö jetty
Stay at Öckerö


Stay at Nimbus Öckerö

In our cottages, right by the sea, you will comfortably live in your own small boathouse. There are four beds and you have your own shower & toilet as well as kitchen.

We also have hostels where you stay in our fresh room at a good price. 

Confer on Öckerö


Conference at Nimbus ÖCKERÖ

With us you will confer in a pleasant environment with the sea, piers and boats right outside the windows. Below is a description of all our conference rooms.

Conference Nimbus ÖCKERÖ Tower

Conference room – Tower

The conference tower is perfect for the small group of up to ten people, here you work undisturbed with incredible sea views in all directions.


Conference room – The Insert

Conference room Skäret suitable for groups of up to 30 people, can be furnished as desired, with a fantastic proximity to the sea.


Conference room – The Bridge

In addition to all amenities, the jetty conference room offers stunning views of the water. 


Conference auditorium – Hallen

If you are looking for a conference room for a larger lecture, we have Hallen that can accommodate 250 people in cinema seating. "Hallen" is also very beautiful as a party venue for weddings and parties.


Nimbus Öckerö
Björnhuvudsvägen 49
SE-475 31 ÖCKERÖ Sweden
Tel: 031-96 25 55


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About Nimbus ÖCKERÖ

Nimbus Öckerö has lunch, café, accommodation and spaces for conferences with a great proximity to the sea in the Gothenburg Archipelago.

It’s the perfect location for a conference, tasty lunch, or weekend outing.

We are located just next to ÖCKERÖ ferry berth. There are also Nimbuskyrkan and several other activities.

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