Memorial service at Nimbus Öckerö. With us you eat well, we also have catering.
with cake/egg cheese/cake buffet
with cake/egg cheese/cake buffet
with cake/egg cheese/cake buffet
with cake/egg cheese/cake buffet
with cake/egg cheese/cake buffet
If you eat here with us at Nimbus, we can also offer the following
with cake/egg cheese/cake buffet
with cake/egg cheese/cake buffet
All envelopes include linen tablecloths, candles, flowers, serving staff (3h), drinks, coffee and dessert.
Rental of premises is additional.
Nimbus Öckerö
Björnhuvudsvägen 49
SE-475 31 ÖCKERÖ Sweden
Tel: 031-96 25 55
Read more about Leader och Europeiska jordbruksfonden för landsbygdsutveckling
Nimbus Öckerö has lunch, café, accommodation and spaces for conferences with a great proximity to the sea in the Gothenburg Archipelago.
It’s the perfect location for a conference, tasty lunch, or weekend outing.
We are located just next to ÖCKERÖ ferry berth. There are also Nimbuskyrkan and several other activities.
© Nimbus ÖCKERÖ.