
prices refer to commemorative events on the Öckerö Islands that are linked to each other

Memorial service at Nimbus Öckerö. With us you eat well, we also have catering. 

Nimbus catering menu

  • Sandwich cake - shrimp and ham
    295 SEK/person

    with cake/egg cheese/cake buffet

  • Shrimp sandwich - Made from tea cake with rye and oats

    with cake/egg cheese/cake buffet

  • Gangway - eggs, shrimp, mayonnaise, cold smoked salmon, ham, roast beef, remoulade, cheeses and vegetables
    310 kr/person

    with cake/egg cheese/cake buffet

  • Nimbus pie buffet - Three kinds of food pies with salad, dressing and bread
    310 kr/person

    with cake/egg cheese/cake buffet

  • Nimbus cold cuts - Buffet potato gratin Incl. remoulad, salad and bread
    310 kr/person

    with cake/egg cheese/cake buffet

  • Catering other premises
    800kr Öckerö municipality

If you eat here with us at Nimbus, we can also offer the following

Eat with us

  • Nimbus meat dish – Pork fillet with herb-hurled potatoes and seasonal sauce
    310 kr/person

    with cake/egg cheese/cake buffet

  • Nimbus Fish Dish - Fish by catch with duchesse potatoes, asparagus and white wine sauce
    310 kr/person

    with cake/egg cheese/cake buffet

All envelopes include linen cloths, candles, flowers, serving staff, drinking, coffee and dessert.

Rental of premises is additional.


Nimbus Öckerö
Björnhuvudsvägen 49
SE-475 31 ÖCKERÖ Sweden
Tel: 031-96 25 55


Read more about Leader och Europeiska jordbruksfonden för landsbygdsutveckling


About Nimbus ÖCKERÖ

Nimbus Öckerö has lunch, café, accommodation and spaces for conferences with a great proximity to the sea in the Gothenburg Archipelago.

It’s the perfect location for a conference, tasty lunch, or weekend outing.

We are located just next to ÖCKERÖ ferry berth. There are also Nimbuskyrkan and several other activities.

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